Welcome to the web site!
Inside, you will find one of our largest-ever inventories, currently consisting of 10,685 toys and other memorabilia from some of your favorite television programs, comic strips, and cartoons of all time. What a Character! specializes in figural items (things that look great sitting on a shelf) from the 1940s through the 1980s. We get older items in stock whenever possible; we have some newer items in stock from time to time; and we definitely have things other than figural items in stock at all times. Feel free to browse through our merchandise--you just may find something that you can't live without!!
What a Character! has been in business since 1997, and does an extensive amount of mail order business, and we will ship our merchandise anywhere in the world. We're happy to do business with new customers and, of course, we welcome the continued interest of our many previous customers and collector friends.
Find and follow us on
In 2015, What a Character! officially joined Twitter. You can find us there at @What_A_Charact. Check out our Twitter page and "follow us" there for updates on our monthly specials, fun new items added to our inventory, information about upcoming collectibles/toy shows and auctions, "this day in cartoon history," and more. If you are aware of any upcoming events that our collector-customers might want to know about, please feel free to share this information with us and we, in turn, will share it with our Twitter followers.
Something fun and groovy for
you to enjoy!!
We've added a new page to our website, which you can find at the end of our "G" merchandise listings. The new page is for GROOVY items--oddball pieces from the 1960s and 1970s that don't fit our usual character-related themes, but which we have picked up along the way (oftentimes in box lot purchases). Most of them are silly, fun, and oh-so-typical of the funky, groovy times of the 1960s and 1970s. If you have some time, check out the new page. You just might find something that'll make you smile and bring you for a walk down Memory Lane!
We get an average of 40-50 new items in stock each week. There's almost always something new (or should we say, something old?) in our inventory. So you might want to bookmark this page, and check back with us from time to time. Items that have been acquired recently (generally within the past 30 days or so) are marked with the following insignia:
This marking will appear BEFORE the listings of new items, immediately below the double red lines that separate our entries.
We're always looking for new items for our business, too. If you have comic, character, or cartoon-related items that you wish to sell, feel free to contact us to discuss the possibility of having us buy them from you. Regardless of whether you're looking to get rid of a single item or an entire collection of goodies, we might be interested in acquiring your things. Contact hugh@whatacharacter.com with information about any item(s) that you are considering selling.
Please note: In order to purchase items from you, we need to: (1) be able to see clear, representative pictures of the item(s) so that we know exactly what we might be buying, (2) have accurate information about the specific condition of the item(s) you want to sell, and (3) know how much you want for the item(s) in question. If you do not provide all three of these to us, we cannot make an acquisition; and time constraints prevent us from replying such inquiries unless all three are provided. If you do not have the ability to get scanned pictures to us for step #1, we have made arrangements with a few people to send us the item(s) "on spec" before we make a final commitment to purchase. That allows us to inspect the item(s) and make an informed purchasing decision.
Please remember to include the ZIP code where your package will be sent along with your initial inquiry about items that interest you, so that we can quote you an appropriate shipping charge!! Doing so enables us to provide you with the most accurate shipping cost information we can, as quickly as possible!
This page was last updated on 10/30/16.
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